testIndClogit(target, dataset, xIndex, csIndex, wei = NULL, dataInfo = NULL,
univariateModels = NULL, hash = FALSE, stat_hash = NULL, pvalue_hash = NULL,
robust = FALSE)
A matrix with two columns, the first one must be 0 and 1, standing for 0 = control and 1 = case. The second column is the id of the patients. A numerical variable, for example c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7).
A numeric matrix or a data.frame in case of categorical predictors (factors), containing the variables for performing the test. Rows as samples and columns as features.
The index of the variable whose association with the target we want to test.
The indices of the variables to condition on.
A vector of weights to be used for weighted regression. The default value is NULL and it should stay NULL as weights are ignored the conditional logistic regression. See the survival package for more information about this type of regression.
A list object with information on the structure of the data. Default value is NULL.
Fast alternative to the hash object for univariate test. List with vectors "pvalues" (p-values), "stats" (statistics) and "flags" (flag = TRUE if the test was succesful) representing the univariate association of each variable with the target. Default value is NULL.
A boolean variable which indicates whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to use tha hash-based implementation of the statistics of SES. Default value is FALSE. If TRUE you have to specify the stat_hash argument and the pvalue_hash argument.
A hash object (hash package required) which contains the cached generated statistics of a SES run in the current dataset, using the current test.
A hash object (hash package required) which contains the cached generated p-values of a SES run in the current dataset, using the current test.
A boolean variable which indicates whether (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to use a robustified version of Beta regression. Currently it is not available for this test.